The trend in technology these days seems to be to migrate all related applications to a single source. This seems intuitive given that everyone would love to be able to jump back and forth between system settings with the simple push of a button routed to one piece of equipment rather than the many connections shared between different components that they’re stuck dealing with now. You may be seeing this trend manifest itself in your own home. Today, smart TV’s come equipped with streaming video software. Your kid’s gaming console now supports online applications that let you shop, watch TV programming, and even browse the Internet. Yet for all these advances, you’re still having to swap out your cable remote for your TV remote or your console controller.
In the IT world, converged technology is closely comparable to what you likely have in your home right now: multiple controls controlling access to multiple components systems working in concert to give you what you need. The potential of a single-source solution is what’s being referred to when tech professionals start talking about hyper-converged IT. It represents the proverbial magic box, offering access to every application that you need with having to be support by ancillary components.
Waiting for Practicality to Catch Up with Potential
The draw of a hyper-converged box is readily apparent: it offers a more-effective yet less-expensive solution to data access and management. Yet while the theory of improved IT via a single source presents unending potential, the actual practice of combining several component systems into a single, physical piece of equipment presents its own unique challenges. While there are indeed hyper-converged systems available on the market, developers are still searching for cost-effective, easily-implemented solutions to the design challenges that the technology presents.
While you may understand the need for such solutions in order drive to the cost of equipment down, you’re also in the precarious position of needing technology that you can rely on today. When setting up your IT, you typically consider three things:
What’s the most up-to-date technology available?
What system is the most reliable?
Which is most cost-effective?
The emphasis on optimal performance in the here-and-now often requires that you go with the technology that offers the highest level or performance across all three areas, rather than simply focusing on one. In the case of converged vs. hyper-converged IT, the known reliability and performance of converged systems may ultimately be your best choice as you wait for hyper-converged technology to become better established.
The benefit of converged IT may only cause you to crave the added benefit that a hyper-converged box could theoretically offer all the more. However, at the end of the day, your business needs to rely on performance, not potential. While hyper-converged IT systems are beginning to make inroads into data center across the world, the converged technology that you currently rely on will likely still be your best option until the issues that can plague such systems can be fully resolved.