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Data Center Miscellaneous
1. Eaton White Paper: Is Your Data Center Running Out of Power or Cooling? (PDF)
Seven ways to extend the value of what you have and optimize the plan for what you need.
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
1. Eaton White Paper: Which UPS Is Right for You? (PDF)
Considerations in choosing standby, line-interactive, double-conversion designs — and new high-efficiency, multi-mode capabilities — for your data center.
2. Central or Decentralized UPS? (PDF)
Is a single, larger UPS better? Or is it better to have multiple, smaller UPS’s?
3. UPS Topologies (PDF)
4. 10 Power Protection Myths Debunked: An Uninterruptible Seperation of Fact and Fiction (Hyperlink)
UPS Batteries
1. Eaton Article: UPS Battery Overview (PDF)
This article addresses 16 Frequently Asked Questions relating to UPS batteries.
2. Eaton Document: Battery FAQ (PDF)
This article addresses 23 Frequesntly Asked Questions relating to UPS batteries.
Company Related
1. Titan Power Capabilities Presentation (PDF)
1. Eaton UPS & Power Management Fundamentals Handbook (PDF)
This comprehensive guide includes everything you need to understand about industry-leading power protection solutions from Eaton. From plug and receptacle charts and facts about power problems to an overview of various UPS topologies and factors affecting battery life, you’ll find a wealth of pertinent resources designed to help you develop the optimum solution. We have also included valuable, real-world case studies that showcase exactly how Eaton can help you to develop the best power protection solution.
Whether you need power protection for small, medium or large data centers, health care facilities, or other environments in which ensuring uptime and safeguarding data are critical, the Eaton UPS and Power Management Fundamentals Handbook is your one-stop source for essential information.
2. International Facility Management Association (IFMA) World Workplace Expo Registration Form
You are invited to visit Titan Power at the IFMA (International Facility Management Association) Facilities Expo:
The Workplace Expo trade floor is open from 11:30AM to 4:30PM on Wednesday and from 10:30AM to 2:30PM on Thursday.
You may register for free by completing and faxing in the registration form or by registering onsite the day of the expo. Titan Power will be at booth #1044 exhibiting Gamatronic, Xtreme and other critical power and air products and services. Please contact us with any other questions or visit the Conference and Expo Website for more information.
3. Eaton’s 2011 or 2012 Blackout Tracker Annual Report (PDF)
4. Nine Common Power Problems (PDF)
Service Locations
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