Cloud computing has impacted, and will continue to impact, the technology world as we know it. The cloud is not only greatly impacting the way individuals utilize technology but the way data centers operate as well. Data Center Knowledge explains the cloud revolution that is happening in data centers, “It’s important to quickly understand that cloud computing isn’t going anywhere. In fact, the proliferation of cloud computing and various cloud services is only continuing to grow. Recently, Gartner estimated that global spending on IaaS is expected to reach almost US$16.5 billion in 2015, an increase of 32.8 percent from 2014, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2014 to 2019 forecast at 29.1 percent. There is a very real digital shift happening for organizations and users utilizing cloud services. The digitization of the modern business has created a new type of reliance around cloud computing. However, it’s important to understand that the cloud isn’t just one platform. Rather, it’s an integrated system of various hardware, software and logical links working together to bring data to the end-user.”
With the new changes that are occurring in facilities from the cloud revolution it is no surprise that some data centers are still catching up to the technology and all that it entails. Cloud computing has impacted everything from how we deploy applications, to how we deliver resources, to how we control users. It helps to connect locations within networks and has greatly impacted the types of infrastructure we choose to deploy. How a facility utilizes the cloud will impact what kind of UPS and back-up generator are utilized, what kind of cooling is needed, what security measures are deployed, the layout of a data center and much more. Today, most facilities are implementing the cloud on some level and many new locations are simply starting out utilizing the cloud. Data Center Knowledge explains why this is so and why more and more data centers will continue to implement cloud computing going forward, “Already we are seeing entire organizations be born within the cloud. As IT consumerization continues and more devices connect into a cloud service, it’ll be crucial to work with a partner that understands the big cloud picture. When creating your cloud infrastructure, planning around resource not only creates a more robust platform, it’ll also save your organization money. It’s time to better understand resource utilization within your cloud – and how you can align key cloud services with your organization’s goals.”